Joint events
Workshop Impact Ondernemen – ForkRanger
Monday 27 November 12:30 - 13:45
Saxion, Enschede
Een start-up met een duurzame insteek van de grond krijgen, hoe doe je dat? Waar loop je tegenaan? Tijdens deze interactieve sessie deelt Frank Holleman van Fork Ranger zijn verhaal. Bij Fork Ranger vertalen ze klimaatwetenschap naar verhalen en recepten, zodat iedereen deel kan worden van de oplossing van de klimaatverandering.
Locatie: Bannink Theater, Enschede
Doelgroep: elke student.
Thrift Market Day 1
Monday 27 November 12:30 - 16:00
University of Twente, Enschede
Have you been longing for an organised room, but do your old things take up too much space? Don’t worry, we got you covered! Green Hub Twente X Erasmus Student Network Twente provide the option to get rid of all the things you’re bored of and to thrift new items! And, bonus points: in the light of Sustainability Week, you’re doing the climate a favor by choosing to prolong the timespan of some beloved items!
Location: Bastille
For who? Any student or staff member.
Challenge: How do we make our labs more sustainable?
Tuesday 28 November
Saxion, Enschede
Students from ROC van Twente, Saxion and University of Twente will visit labs of the three institutions in mixed groups. What is needed to reduce the CO2 footprint? At the end of the day, students present their ideas.
Workshop Duurzaam doen, Spelenderwijs leren
Wednesday 29 November 14:30 - 16:00
ROC van Twente, Hengelo
Studenten op een leuke en interactieve manier laten leren over duurzaamheid met behulp van het Duurzaamheidsspel. Je leert hoe je het spel in kunt zetten in de klas, speelt zelf het spel en krijgt inzicht in de principes van Reduce, Reuse, Recycle en Repurpose.
Doelgroep: onderwijsprofessionals van MBO, HBO en WO.
Sustainable lunch
Wednesday 29 November &
Thursday 30 November 12:00
ROC van Twente, Almelo
Students from the vocational course in hospitality will serve a lunch dedicated to sustainability. Are you coming too?
Location: restaurant Wijzer, ROC van Twente, Wierdensestraat 65 in Almelo (right next to Almelo train station).
Price: €10,- excluding drinks.
Booking is mandatory.
Menstruation Challenge
Thursday 30 November 09:30 - 16:30
Saxion, Enschede
A challenge: how do you experience menstrual cramps? Men can experience for themselves what the average woman experiences every month and the impact of menstrual cramps. Education is important. Experiencing for yourself what many women feel every month gives an instant and no-holds-barred view that you will never forget. The challenge is completely safe and is performed using only approved equipment. It is all about raising awareness.
Location: Saxion Enschede - Ko Wieringa - escalator up and to the left. F1.83
Registration in advance is not necessary.
Guest lecture Menstrual pain
Thursday 30 November 11:30 - 12:30
Saxion, Enschede
What exactly are normal menstrual symptoms, how do these symptoms arise and what can I do to experience fewer symptoms? How can I stand up for my needs in a decent way? What about hormones and contraception? We will cover the most common questions but, above all, ask your own. This guest lecture is interesting for everyone!
Location: Saxion Enschede, space W151 - or walk along from the Challenge in F1.83.
Registration in advance is not necessary.
Thursday 30 November 09:00 - 16:00
Saxion, Enschede
Do you know what it takes to make your t-shirt? Have you got any idea how your jeans is being created? Were you aware of the poor labour circumstances in the fast fashion industry? Come to the workshop at DCW in Enschede, where you can experience the sewing of fashion products and learn about how your products are made.
Session 1: 09:00-12:30
Session 2: 13:00-16:00
Location: DCW, Spoordijkstraat 132 Enschede.
For who? Any student or staff member.
Thrift Market Day 2
Thursday 30 November 12:30 - 16:00
University of Twente, Enschede
Have you been longing for an organised room, but do your old things take up too much space? Don’t worry, we got you covered! Green Hub Twente X Erasmus Student Network Twente provide the option to get rid of all the things you’re bored of and to thrift new items! And, bonus points: in the light of Sustainability Week, you’re doing the climate a favor by choosing to prolong the timespan of some beloved items!
Location: Bastille
For who? Any student or staff member.
Closing event
Friday 1 December 13:30 - 16:30
Saxion, Enschede
Together, the three institutions look back on Sustainability Week. There will be lectures by Dirk Groot (Zwerfinator) and Elisah Pals (Zero Waste) and time for networking.
Would you like to attend? Then send a message to duurzaam@rocvantwente.nl.